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Windy again


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Much to windy for the boat so headed up the beach again to get my daughters partner into a few more salmon. Using a light rod he built himself setup to fish 10lb line class and lures in the 10-15g was perfect for a bit of morning sport. The first patch of salmon we came across had som big whaler sharks chasing them about, making them to spooked to take a lure and very hard to keep up with walking and flicking lures. 

The next patch of fish was a huge one and almost pushed onto the sand. Catch and release would have been upwards of 40 fish, all in fat breeding condition. Didn't matter what lure was used but using single hooks with crushed barbs made for easier releasing. 

Been fishing the past 4 days with incredible amounts of fish around and looks like the next 4 days will also be busy on the fishing front.

The dark colour in the water are salmon.


















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