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Species hunt 2024

mike farrants

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Again this year I took part in the 'UK & IE Angling (small Boats)' groups species hunt and did ok - the rules are simple - small private boat or charter boat (no kayaks), the fish are on a list (only fish on the list count), photo the fish with your card to count, runs April 1st to Nov 30th.

I ended on 21 species, and came 21st out of 36 entrants - my prize was a tackle bundle


my 23 species were....

whiting, Spotted ray, undulate ray, poor cod, Scad, red gurnard, Pout, Bull huss, corkwing wrasse, pollock, Bass, Mackerel, Tope, Smoothound, Tub gurnard, turbot, dogfish, ballan wrasse, black bream, conger.

I did catch a thornback ray – but we get so many to the boat I thought id already registered one – so didn’t photograph it.

I missed out on a few relatively easy fish that I've had in the past - they just eluded me! - Launce, Grey gurnard and blonde & small eyed ray.

I should also be able to get spurdog, Garfish, and brill. so I must try harder next year!

the winner had a tally of 47, 2nd was on 46 so it was well fought at the top – much easier being retired and having the time to travel the country. 

thoroughly enjoyable to take part through the year as it makes you try for species you might not normally target, and with a wealth of prizes - there's a real incentive to keep on it!


some pics:









great fun!

16 minutes ago, mike farrants said:

Again this year I took part in the 'UK & IE Angling (small Boats)' groups species hunt and did ok - the rules are simple - small private boat or charter boat (no kayaks), the fish are on a list (only fish on the list count), photo the fish with your card to count, runs April 1st to Nov 30th.

I ended on 21 species, and came 21st out of 36 entrants - my prize was a tackle bundle


my 23 species were....

whiting, Spotted ray, undulate ray, poor cod, Scad, red gurnard, Pout, Bull huss, corkwing wrasse, pollock, Bass, Mackerel, Tope, Smoothound, Tub gurnard, turbot, dogfish, ballan wrasse, black bream, conger.

I did catch a thornback ray – but we get so many to the boat I thought id already registered one – so didn’t photograph it.

I missed out on a few relatively easy fish that I've had in the past - they just eluded me! - Launce, Grey gurnard and blonde & small eyed ray.

I should also be able to get spurdog, Garfish, and brill. so I must try harder next year!

the winner had a tally of 47, 2nd was on 46 so it was well fought at the top – much easier being retired and having the time to travel the country. 

thoroughly enjoyable to take part through the year as it makes you try for species you might not normally target, and with a wealth of prizes - there's a real incentive to keep on it!


some pics:









great fun!

i am thinking about compeating

myself, any tips

Posted (edited)

Nice one 👍 

We had one at the local marina and 15 species won it, however one was a porgy! MOGSAF do one and there are both species and points for them which helps when people have the same number of species, however the winner had 57 species!!! They also had a porgy caught along with ABFT, pilchard, pogge, and 7 black mouth dogfish!

Totally different game for these guys and gals but best of luck this season 

Edited by Malc

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