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long link (mooring) chain woes

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I'm after a bit of advice from anyone who has had problems with long link chain (12mm) on their mooring.

Two weeks ago I changed my knackered short link chain for long link after reading somewhere that it was a better alternative, the reason now being a distant memory....

Anyway, being a tad worried about switching old for new I went down to the boat a couple of days later after work and to my horror found the aft chain bunched up where the links had intertangled and locked together effectively shortening it. It took quite a struggle to break it apart and it left me thinking this particular chain was not fit for purpose. In my mind if it bunched up too much in more than one place then it would put too much pressure on the ground block with possible disastrous consequences?

To this end I contacted the business selling this as 'mooring' chain who said they had never heard of this problem before but could offer me a dsicount on some short link....

I wasn't happy with this and told them so and asked for a refund because I felt the chain wasn't suitable for the purpose of mooring a boat. They have since ignored my request.

In the meantime, I sourced some short link locally yesterday and plan to change it tomorrow over low water.

Has anyone else had problems with long link chain like this? Is short link the best way to go (seems like it... )

Any advice gratefully received, thank you.

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I haven't come across this before but I can see how it would be a major concern as the chain balled up and shortened. If it were me I wouldn't sleep well until it were replaced, so you've done the right thing in replacing it.

Why did you need to move away from short link chain? Was there anything intrinsically wrong with it, or just routine replacement?

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9 minutes ago, Andy135 said:

I haven't come across this before but I can see how it would be a major concern as the chain balled up and shortened. If it were me I wouldn't sleep well until it were replaced, so you've done the right thing in replacing it.

Why did you need to move away from short link chain? Was there anything intrinsically wrong with it, or just routine replacement?

it was just something I read, somewhere online whilst trying to work out what was best and weight equations came into it and I just had one of those moments when I thought aha! long link must be best 😅 is it buggery....

Routine replacement with a hint of senility thrown in 😐

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5 minutes ago, JonC said:

Does the body who controls the moorings set a specification for your tackle? 
The fairways comity in my village have a fairly strict policy. They supply the tackle at a reasonable price, but insist on lifting it every season to inspect it. 

No, they don't... as it's a mooring that is maintained by myself it's entirely up to me what I do... see reply to Andy135 😂

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