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Decided to have try for launce again, nothing doing but did get an exciting fight from a 3/4lb coalfish in the tide and a couple of tiny pollock which wasn't as exciting. 

Top excitement was seeing a quicksilver in river heading out and thinking it was my friends, so I text them saying I was at the end of the pier, no I'm working today he says and the conversation goes...



Soo, tomorrow is on 😁

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17 hours ago, JonC said:

What do you catch launce on ? Those tiny feathers? We used to catch them on the varne bank then live bait with them, fantastic fun way to catch bass. Unless you’re a launce I suppose. 

Mini sabikis mostly but one guy who catches a lot uses what I think is like a garfish rig. A bar lure (no hooks) with a dropper above and a trace below both with tiny delta sandeel lures about 2" long. 

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