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Teignmouth last Sunday


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A late start waiting for my friend Aaron to finish a family morning saw us heading out towards Hope’s Nose for some mackerel to start the day. Loads of jet skiers in the harbour were causing a right load of noise and generally making a nuisance of themselves until the harbour master turned up and reigned them in.

On the way I couldn’t get past 5000rpm and 14kts into the tide and a stiff southerly so didn’t think much of it. Got to our mark for the first drift amongst the many leisure craft and struggled to catch anything except for a lone sardine which actually made my day for our little species hunt.


we moved out to the reef beyond the Ore Stone and drifted all over it with one mackerel over a couple of hours. We decided to anchor up on the edge of a drop off and only caught dogfish in 3 hrs 😐

Whilst at anchor a massive pod of dolphins swam by all around us in every direction. I have never seen the like and it was an impressive sight.

 The rest of the day saw us try loads of drifting with loads of targets on the fish finder but sadly nothing was taking apart from one string of mackerel to me.

 The boat was still slow and I’d noticed the tickover was high in neutral at 1500rpm. I’m confident that the issue is a corroded control cable so I’ve ordered another set to fit asap.

We came in just as it was getting dark, packed up and got home at midnight. A poor result, but after reading others comments on FB groups it seems we weren’t the only ones struggling. Apparently the dolphins were all across the bay up past Exmouth way as well so I wonder if they had an effect along with a small tide? Or maybe I really am shit at boat fishing 🤔🤣



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4 hours ago, Andy135 said:

Nice to be out there Gary. Well done. Dolphins are an amazing sight - I remember seeing them in the east Wight on a couple of occasions. Magical.

Fingers crossed a new cable solves your engine behaviour. 🤞

There were even baby ones tailwalking having a jolly good time 👌

cable fitting on Sunday 👍

here’s one for you 😊


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5 minutes ago, thejollysinker said:

There were even baby ones tailwalking having a jolly good time 👌

cable fitting on Sunday 👍

here’s one for you 😊




Loving the purple gloves too 🤣👍

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