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Navioics tutorial by seabob

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Brilliant tutorial by seabob on using navionics on a tablet on wsf forum really good and useful don’t know if it can be copied onto our site best I’ve seen really useful, could admin look at using it on this site?

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Hi @Phil williams, copyright forbids us from copying content on other sites without permission, and I'm fairly sure that one admin in particular over there won't grant permission. 

However, if you'd like to approach seabob and suggest he posts the same content over here that would be welcome. As the content creator he can post his content wherever he chooses 👍

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Thanks Andy 135, it’s a shame that there is friction between the two sites as I know many people view and contribute to both, I will contact “seabob “ and ask if he’s prepared to put it on here as it is the best description and tutorial for navionics users I’ve seen ,particularly aimed at small fishing boats,not excessively complicated and straight forward even for technophobes like me. Don’t understand the friction as the sites are completely different in content , and format and don’t compete. But there none as queer as folk as they say!!!.




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26 minutes ago, Phil williams said:

Thanks Andy 135, it’s a shame that there is friction between the two sites as I know many people view and contribute to both, I will contact “seabob “ and ask if he’s prepared to put it on here as it is the best description and tutorial for navionics users I’ve seen ,particularly aimed at small fishing boats,not excessively complicated and straight forward even for technophobes like me. Don’t understand the friction as the sites are completely different in content , and format and don’t compete. But there none as queer as folk as they say!!!.

Yes, it's strange but it is what it is. Seabob's tutorial sounds like just the sort of content that would be relevant and useful on here. Thanks for suggesting it. Be great if he can be encouraged to share it here too. 👍

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18 minutes ago, JonC said:

It’s mainly to do with the fact that their moderaters are a bunch of tossers But other than that it’s all good 🤣🤣🤣

They didn't exactly cover themselves in glory did they....

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