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Its been six months....


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Due to Lockdowns, boat servicing and a very windy May I haven't been out since before Christmas so I was delighted to get out on Saturday the 29th.

It was a spring tide so we kept fairly close inshore , apart from a brief , ill advised attempt to fish at Boulder where the tide was hammering through.  

We left  Chichester Harbour just before midday in order to fish the tide down. We caught a solitary mackerel on the dropoff outside  the harbour and then headed off to the east end of Bracklesham bay. I was hoping for bream so was armed with various pop up rigs and plenty of groundbait of rice, fish oil. Halibut pellets and mashed squid - how  could they resist?  Well resist they did - we caught plenty of dogfish and I lost what I think was a bream - but overall not a great deal to show for our efforts. In the distance we did see a steady stream of smoothounds being caught on a Charter boat.

Just to complete proceedings we nearly lost our anchor , and I seem to have completely forgotten how to berth my boat - causing some amusement amongst the punters at the bar at Sparkes Marina.


Still it was great to be out on such a lovely day and hopefully I will have something more interesting to report on my next  trip

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6 minutes ago, JonC said:

Sounds like a perfect day out. My pontoon is in front of the marina bar, which has just reopened with new owners and  is always nice and busy when I move my boat. It definitely adds a competitive element to it. 

Yeah but if they laugh you could always toss a lead at them! 

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Good report Minters. You did better than us yesterday, because we couldn't even find a mackerel 😭.

Bet it felt good to be on the water, even if it was a bit challenging at times 👍

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