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Not quite to plan


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The plan today was to catch lots of bass on lures, then switch to bait for my first gilt of the year.

It didn't quite work out like that...

The water was a balmy 9.9C, and with sunshine and a small tide I was feeling confident.

But two hours of persistent plugging with a variety of sub-surface lures yielded just three takes, two of which resulted in a schoolie in the boat.

Ironically, all three came to a Zonk SW 120 Cruising Blue, which didn't work two days ago, while the lures that did then didn't today.

Abandoning the lure rod, I fished the tide down from five different marks.

There was no sign of a gilt, but I added eight more schoolies to the score: five on home-dug king rag and three on crab.

The best fish of the day, a bass of around 2lb, came adrift at the net.

I keep telling myself it's still early April and the best is yet to come.

Though there was no real bird activity, I saw several terns, which is an encouraging sign. PH


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Always good to get out PH. You certainly put the effort in. Good work. 👍

As you say, it's still early, only just April. Give it another 4 weeks and I reckon the fishing will really start to turn on.

Edited to say the Zonk SW is one of those lures that, for me, is either all or nothing. Either a stone cold killer or a box of doom lure on the day. Curious to hear you suggest similar for you.

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6 minutes ago, JonC said:

I love it when you talk lures, it gives me wood! 

Any more frisky chat from you and I'll move your posts to a thread I'll set up just for this purpose. I'll call it "The Dumping Ground"... where inappropriate posts go to be forgotten.


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