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Lure fishing at night?


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Apart from it being dark, what's the difference......if any?

I know that I personally dont do as well under darkness. I've made a handful of dedicated attempts this year but never had a confident separate darkness approach. Also, the success I have had has been contradictory to the surprisingly limited information online about the subject. Other than the regurgitated, "white lures" and "slow everything down", there isn't much else out there in terms of night fishing with lures. 

That cant be all there is to it so I would love for everyone to share their ideas and theories (no matter how "out of the box") on the matter.



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2 hours ago, Andy135 said:

When I was focused on lure fishing, 90% of my sessions were at night. I prefer it to daytime in many respects. Fish seem to come closer in, they seem bolder at night. More willing to feed? Maybe.

I would think the same most predators are more active at night.

Would you fish the same at night than you would during the day? 

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10 hours ago, Andy135 said:

Yep, exactly the same. Same speed, same lures. OTT in darkness is awesome fun. You hear and feel the hit instead of seeing it. Certainly wakes you up when it happens!

Awesome. Cheers andy!

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10 hours ago, JonC said:

How late in the year do you fish lures? I know the bass are on their last knockings around here. 

I had my last fish late November last year and then nothing until April. I've heard you can catch them throughout winter out west.

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9 hours ago, suzook12 said:

We used to go to the admiralty, Dover a while back, there were some adding starlights to their rigs, would that work on a lure at night I wonder?

I read a post on another forum not long ago about putting lights on leaders, it got laughed off but personally I thought it was a good idea 😅

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8 hours ago, Davemc said:

I love fishing at night , it heightens the senses , a few years ago I fished the entire season in the dark, I find that generally a bigger stamp of fish caught at most marks at night .

Nice one. Do you have a different approach at night Dave?

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8 minutes ago, Bones said:

I read a post on another forum not long ago about putting lights on leaders, it got laughed off but personally I thought it was a good idea 😅

It works well for catching squid... just ask Gonzo...


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9 hours ago, suzook12 said:

We used to go to the admiralty, Dover a while back, there were some adding starlights to their rigs, would that work on a lure at night I wonder?

Its sure does! Dr Ladle incorporates small Starlites in a bodged Mepps spinner and he's proved its deadly for Sea Trout, I've messed around with Starlites in or around SPs for Bass and caught.

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13 minutes ago, Tadpole said:

Its sure does! Dr Ladle incorporates small Starlites in a bodged Mepps spinner and he's proved its deadly for Sea Trout, I've messed around with Starlites in or around SPs for Bass and caught.

Also it would be nice to know where your lure is. I've wrecked a few leader knots in the dark from retrieving to far. 👍

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26 minutes ago, Bones said:

Also it would be nice to know where your lure is. I've wrecked a few leader knots in the dark from retrieving to far. 👍

Don't forget night fishing all 99% feel, slowing everything down you'll soon get used to it, average cast being so many turns on the reel.. sounds daft but it becomes second nature.

11 hours ago, Andy135 said:

Depends on water temp. The received wisdom is that sub 10°C you won't get bass on lures. But they're around all year as you can catch them on bait if you're lucky.

Bait fishing you'll pick up Bass all year round here so I wonder why the Bass won't hit lures? The historic winter Porchester fishing open comp was always targeting Flounder, they still hold the comp but now its targeting the fish that are there.. Bass. December / January.. Fish as we know slow down as they react to dwindling food sources, is it an impossible task to catch? 

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On 10/19/2020 at 8:20 AM, Bones said:

Nice one. Do you have a different approach at night Dave?

Hi bones 

Not really mate , some say slow it down but I've found that  switching  it around just like fishing in daylight works best for me , sometimes the bass will take a lure just deadsticking but another night they will hit it on a faster retrieve .

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I like to add rattles to my SP"s for fishing in the dark as it gives the Bass more sound/vibration to home in on when they can"t necessarily see well.

I also like to use surface lures that cause a disturbance at night for the same reason.

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  • 2 months later...
1 minute ago, Ivan Tuna said:

I would add that (particularly when shore fishing) work the lure to your feet and don’t be frightened to fish shallow areas that you’d step over in daylight.


Agreed - I've spooked more bass than I care to think about just by splashing too noisily in the shallows when en route to a mark. Less is quite often more when luring for bass at night.

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