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New EMF requirement for VHF users

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I received the below from Ofcom today. The long and short of it is that as a "spectrum user" I have an obligation to protect the general public from any potentially harmful EMF emissions when I use my VHF at 25W (which in practical terms will only be in emergencies). Not sure how enforceable this will be in reality though... Anyone else get one of these... or are you all unlicensed VHF users? 😉


Dear Licence Holder,

We are writing to make you aware of some important changes that we are proposing to make to your Wireless Telegraphy Act licence(s) issued by Ofcom.

In February and October last year, we issued two public consultations on our proposal to formally require licensees to comply with the internationally agreed levels in the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) Guidelines for the protection of the general public from electromagnetic fields (EMF). We refer to these levels as the ICNIRP general public limits. In October, we also issued a Statement setting out our decision to formally require licensees to comply with the ICNIRP general public limits and we recently published an update on how we propose to implement that decision.  

We are now writing to you to inform you of our proposal to vary the terms and conditions of your licence(s) to require you to comply with the ICNIRP general public limits. In accordance with the Wireless Telegraphy Act and your licence(s), we are giving you notice of our proposal by publishing a General Notice on our website. 

We’ve put all the relevant information about our proposal including the General Notice on a dedicated EMF webpage ofcom.org.uk/emf. Here you will find details of the licence variation process alongside the background to the changes and lots of FAQs to help you understand what our proposal means for you. 

If, after reading the above information, you wish to make a representation to Ofcom in relation to our proposal to vary your licence(s), you have up until the 18 April 2021 to do so. However, if you do not wish to make a representation you do not need to take any action at this time. More information on the representation process can be found by visiting the Ofcom EMF webpage.

We will consider all representations before coming to a final decision on the variation of your licence(s). We will publish our final decision on the EMF page of our website by 18 May 2021. We will explain whether we have decided to vary your licence(s) to include the EMF condition. If your licence(s) has been varied we will send you an update of it or information on where a new version can be obtained from. 

In future we intend to make greater use of General Notices published on our website and may not individually contact you to inform you that we have published one. We would therefore urge all licensees to regularly check the Ofcom website or subscribe to email spectrum updates by going to the following page on our website ofcom.org.uk/about-ofcom/latest/email-updates.

If you have any questions about this change and what it means for you, further information can be found on the dedicated EMF webpage using the address provided above.

Yours faithfully, 



Guidance and Enforcement details here: https://www.ofcom.org.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0025/214459/guidance-emf-compliance-enforcement.pdf

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10 minutes ago, Saintly Fish said:

What’s that mean in engurlesh.... wrap yer head in tin foil when calling in a mayday? 

Anyway, I’ve not used a spectrum since 1985.

FFS... no, you gotta wrap your fishing buddy's head in tin foil! Duh! 🤣

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Yes I had it also and I'm so pleased you explained it Andy as the email flew straight over my head then I got bored and binned it.

So my vhf is almost always on low power unless no one hears me then I'll use 25w.  No need to increase power output on ch16 as most if not all sets automatically give you full power on ch16

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3 hours ago, Andy135 said:

I received the below from Ofcom today. The long and short of it is that as a "spectrum user" I have an obligation to protect the general public from any potentially harmful EMF emissions when I use my VHF at 25W (which in practical terms will only be in emergencies). Not sure how enforceable this will be in reality though... Anyone else get one of these... or are you all unlicensed VHF users? 😉


Dear Licence Holder,

We are writing to make you aware of some important changes that we are proposing to make to your Wireless Telegraphy Act licence(s) issued by Ofcom.

In February and October last year, we issued two public consultations on our proposal to formally require licensees to comply with the internationally agreed levels in the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) Guidelines for the protection of the general public from electromagnetic fields (EMF). We refer to these levels as the ICNIRP general public limits. In October, we also issued a Statement setting out our decision to formally require licensees to comply with the ICNIRP general public limits and we recently published an update on how we propose to implement that decision.  

We are now writing to you to inform you of our proposal to vary the terms and conditions of your licence(s) to require you to comply with the ICNIRP general public limits. In accordance with the Wireless Telegraphy Act and your licence(s), we are giving you notice of our proposal by publishing a General Notice on our website. 

We’ve put all the relevant information about our proposal including the General Notice on a dedicated EMF webpage ofcom.org.uk/emf. Here you will find details of the licence variation process alongside the background to the changes and lots of FAQs to help you understand what our proposal means for you. 

If, after reading the above information, you wish to make a representation to Ofcom in relation to our proposal to vary your licence(s), you have up until the 18 April 2021 to do so. However, if you do not wish to make a representation you do not need to take any action at this time. More information on the representation process can be found by visiting the Ofcom EMF webpage.

We will consider all representations before coming to a final decision on the variation of your licence(s). We will publish our final decision on the EMF page of our website by 18 May 2021. We will explain whether we have decided to vary your licence(s) to include the EMF condition. If your licence(s) has been varied we will send you an update of it or information on where a new version can be obtained from. 

In future we intend to make greater use of General Notices published on our website and may not individually contact you to inform you that we have published one. We would therefore urge all licensees to regularly check the Ofcom website or subscribe to email spectrum updates by going to the following page on our website ofcom.org.uk/about-ofcom/latest/email-updates.

If you have any questions about this change and what it means for you, further information can be found on the dedicated EMF webpage using the address provided above.

Yours faithfully, 



Guidance and Enforcement details here: https://www.ofcom.org.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0025/214459/guidance-emf-compliance-enforcement.pdf


I guess it is more about Ofcomm seen to be being proactive in publishing the current guidelines, note: these are GUIDELINES. To me this is really entering the international school of nanny state and snowflakeism

I think the burden will be placed upon manufactures to adhere to them so we might see a max power of 20w in the future for marine Band equipment. However, for the user, I strongly believe it to be unenforceable as the user has no way of measuring the effective field with any accuracy

Let me stress at this point, I have been involved with high EMF all my life in working with RF and very high power radio transmitters (100's KW). All I can say is that 99% of the people I know in the industry have lived to a ripe old age !

Go here and watch the 'Bright Player'. Presentation at the bottom of the page .......... https://www.icnirp.org/en/activities/news/news-article/rf-guidelines-2020-published.html

He is the study PDF .............ICNIRPrfgdl2020.pdf

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1 hour ago, suzook12 said:

Sooo, as private boat owners/users a sign on the aerial stating "Fuck Off or Die" suffices? Whereas a charter boat would have to wait until all the passengers are dead before calling in a mayday?

Marine band transmissions will never be of long enough duration to cause body tissue warming, if it does (which it won't), then you have mega verbal diarrhoea 🤣

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1 minute ago, Saintly Fish said:

You really haven’t realised yet that we don’t do reading here have you? Got a picture book ? Pop up maybe?

Hold on, I've got some crayons for you here somewhere...

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8 minutes ago, Saintly Fish said:

You really haven’t realised yet that we don’t do reading here have you? Got a picture book ? Pop up maybe?

I thought it was just the ponce from Essex that only did pictures ?🙄

I thought you and Andy were educated  ........🤣

Anyway, look at the slide show in the link 👍

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1 minute ago, GPSguru said:

I thought it was just the ponce from Essex that only did pictures ?🙄

TBF so did I. Looks like Fishy is regressing back to play-school. 

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7 hours ago, GPSguru said:

I thought it was just the ponce from Essex that only did pictures ?🙄

I thought you and Andy were educated  ........🤣

Anyway, look at the slide show in the link 👍

It had been a tough day! Too tired to read, only just had enough energy to climb into the play pen and sleep. 

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3 hours ago, suzook12 said:

Well I watched it, not entirely sure how that affects us....... Or what we are supposed to do in relation to it?

I don't think it does affect us for the following reasons,

1) I think that possibly 25W is probably OK, most of the material I have read would indicate that the Radiated RF power would need to be 100W (or more) to even be close to the minimum standards in the guide lines.  Also, you can't really take the antenna gain into consideration as many small boat users have very inefficient antenna systems.

2) The end user cannot be expected to measure the radiated field strength with any accuracy. Many factors come into play here, like the power loss in the coax and the efficiency of the antenna in its mounted position.

3) most end users will be clueless the understanding what radiated field strength is all about and how it is measured. TBF, even some communication professionals will struggle with it

3) The information is international  GUIDELINES, not a mandatory requirement.

4) It seems to me that Ofcomm like to be seen to be doing a good job and disseminating the information they are provided with, however, they need to do this in a way that can be understood by the user base, and not just using copy and paste !

5) If is also about Ofcomm covering their own base, so if there was any legal action by a member of the public against a licensed radio user for radiation damage then Ofomm can say they provided the information. I think this scenario is more remote than any of us getting 6 numbers on Saturday !




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I guess this is a bit like where we had to test buffet car microwaves for RF leakage. I am also sure myself and neighbours would have been at more risk during my cb radio days throwing 1kw at usb/lsb........ Ahem

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5 hours ago, suzook12 said:

I guess this is a bit like where we had to test buffet car microwaves for RF leakage. I am also sure myself and neighbours would have been at more risk during my cb radio days throwing 1kw at usb/lsb........ Ahem

If you are referring to the late 70's / early 80's ........... I was Busby wiv da yella van 🤣 ........ oh, and an unmarked hillman Avenger estate ..........🙄

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