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Another trip, but not many fish !


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Nice report Ian, thanks for sharing. 
I can only dream of getting out fishing at the moment. What with work, birthdays (Leo’s) and family and friends visiting. Still nice to catch up with people. But I’d rather be sat quietly on the water with rod in hand and bait juice scattered around me. 

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32c here right now (3:00pm) so we were glad that we didn't go out again today.

Also the slipway is great entertainment value, I stopped there for lunch and we spent 2 hours watching some complete novices, and a good number of complete morons !

some of the novices were getting into trouble with the incoming tide ripping across the slip at right angles 🤣

You would surprised how many clowns  try and land on the slip WITH the tide. And wonder why they miss the slip by a country mile, then you hear the prop trying to turn the stones into gravel !

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43 minutes ago, Dicky said:

Bet that was a lovely day at sea even if the fishing wasn't top notch. Hope to be down your way on Sunday. Our club has an away day at Brixham so most of us will be on the skerries or maybe on a few inshore wrecks.

It certainly was Dicky, even the wife remarked that it was an excellent day out and just like being in the Med.

The weather is not going to be great on Sunday, with thunderstorms forecast for the afternoon (and Monday). Generally, thunderstorms create squalls, so be careful out there.

Sunday weather for Slapton.......


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