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Boat in


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Hi All - 1st post on here. As title suggests my boat's back in ready for another season.

As I'm based at Shoeburyness and fishing the Thames my target species will be Bass & hounds. Plus the inevitable dogs and roker.

Hope to report soon, once these gales have passed.

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Hi Andy,

Welcome. It's a slow time of year for UK boat fishing - species and reports are thin on the ground, and lockdown doesn't help! Hopefully it won't be long before we're all back out there though.

Is that your boat in your profile pic? What make is she?

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Hi Andy, welcome on board. Being born and bred in Essex - starting life at Rochford hospital, I have lived in most of your local areas from Southchurch to Leigh on sea. At about the age of 6 years old my older brother took me fishing at Shoebury. We walked out to some kind of disused? pier, stayed too long to get back in and had to be rescued by the coastguard/lifeboat service. I do not really remember it, but tales within the family have kept the memories. Sadly I am now the last man standing, so will never hear the story again!!! I have no idea if that pier (part of some type of wartime boom) even still exists. I now live in Lincolnshire (I managed to escape from Essex!), but very much envy those who live near the sea. Great to have another Essex man join our motley motley crew and look forward to seeing some nice pics of your very purposeful boat (if as avatar). Geoff.

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4 hours ago, JonC said:

I used to fish along there when I was into beach fishing. 
Do you ever have bother with kids or chip eaters messing with your boat. A boat from the other end was damaged badly last year when some cretin started it up without the sea cock open. 

The kids can be a problem what with their mud fights. Thankfully nothing more serious than that lately along our stretch.

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On 3/8/2021 at 9:06 PM, Geoff said:

Hi Andy, welcome on board. Being born and bred in Essex - starting life at Rochford hospital, I have lived in most of your local areas from Southchurch to Leigh on sea. At about the age of 6 years old my older brother took me fishing at Shoebury. We walked out to some kind of disused? pier, stayed too long to get back in and had to be rescued by the coastguard/lifeboat service. I do not really remember it, but tales within the family have kept the memories. Sadly I am now the last man standing, so will never hear the story again!!! I have no idea if that pier (part of some type of wartime boom) even still exists. I now live in Lincolnshire (I managed to escape from Essex!), but very much envy those who live near the sea. Great to have another Essex man join our motley motley crew and look forward to seeing some nice pics of your very purposeful boat (if as avatar). Geoff.

Hi Geoff, that will be the Shoebury Boom and yes is a war time submarine barrier that stretched across the Thames with some sort of net in the middle channel to allow shipping to pass through. A lot of the local boys don't venture further down river than the boom as 'There be monsters beyond there'.

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5 hours ago, Andy said:

It is. Not trawler style but a Norsk design double ender. Loads of room to fish off.

Was thinking more the single of wheel house windows.  I saw some amazing boats in Norway, as you say double Enders and many finished in varnished wood.  They look great but high maintenance.  GRP probably more practical.  Looking forward to seeing photos.  

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1 hour ago, Andy said:

It is. I was checking the boat one day and a guy was taking photos. Got chatting and he said he'd recently won a competition with a photo of my boat. He kindly sent me a copy.

Hope you got your fair share of the prize too! 

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