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Bumblefish (I didn't name her)


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The cabin layout is the main reason some people don't like these,  We have a helm and bench seat across the back wall.  The helm is by the door and this is what some don't like, it doesn't bother me and actually like the fact you can hop out quick when coming alongside. 

The bit I like about it is as we have a side door there is a bench seat across the back of the cabin which sits 2 large people,  I fish 3 on the boat but 2 is really nice as it gives half the boat each

There is a small bunk forward of the helm and storage area (I keep my auxiliary there) I have had a kip on it but wouldn't want to overnight.

Will try and put some pictures up next time i'm down

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3 minutes ago, Saintly Fish said:

I seem to remember you turning your nose up to them when we were all out trying to find your new boat for you ! 

Possibly. But then I turned my nose up at 99.9% of your suggestions didn't I 🤣

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