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Investments ?


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Anyone invest in stocks/shares/currencies etc

I opened a couple of virtual accounts last year (or maybe earlier) and just checked on them and one is up 6k odd and the other 7k odd

I have been reading about copytrading and have opened a virtual account with etoro

Have copytraded one person and invested in some others, Amazon, alibaba and airbnb being some of the others

Going to leave it a month or so and see what happens

Anyone got any 1st hand experience with this, be very interested to hear some facts rather than the usual, don't invest what you can't afford to lose etc



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When you say virtual accounts, do you mean they're not trading accounts, rather they mirror what you would have made had you invested real cash? Or are they online trading accounts with your money deposited in them?

Either way, to have made £6k and £7k in the space of a year sounds impressive. What % gain / how much capital invested to return those numbers?

I have a trading account with Hargreaves Lansdown that's made me about 1.5% over the last 18 months. Not great, but massively better than the measly 0.1% that my bank offers for a savings account. I stick to UK equities - partly because HL charges fees for holding funds and they don't offer FX trading, but also because it's easier to research quality companies if they're UK based. Most FTSE companies are paying dividends again now which, thanks to dividend reinvestment and compounding, makes any investment grow quicker. I use a buy and hold strategy i.e. buy high quality companies and hold them for at least 5 years.


Disclaimer: none of the above should be interpreted by anyone as investment advice. I'm not qualified and I simply state how I invest. What works for me may not work for you. Past performance is not an indicator of future performance yada, yada, you get the idea...

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16 minutes ago, Andy135 said:

When you say virtual accounts, do you mean they're not trading accounts, rather they mirror what you would have made had you invested real cash? Or are they online trading accounts with your money deposited in them?

Either way, to have made £6k and £7k in the space of a year sounds impressive. What % gain / how much capital invested to return those numbers?

I have a trading account with Hargreaves Lansdown that's made me about 1.5% over the last 18 months. Not great, but massively better than the measly 0.1% that my bank offers for a savings account. I stick to UK equities - partly because HL charges fees for holding funds and they don't offer FX trading, but also because it's easier to research quality companies if they're UK based. Most FTSE companies are paying dividends again now which, thanks to dividend reinvestment and compounding, makes any investment grow quicker. I use a buy and hold strategy i.e. buy high quality companies and hold them for at least 5 years.


Disclaimer: none of the above should be interpreted by anyone as investment advice. I'm not qualified and I simply state how I invest. What works for me may not work for you. Past performance is not an indicator of future performance yada, yada, you get the idea...

I’ve tried to do similar in the past but never had the capital. I plan to save up over winter and invest a bit. That’s unless I get a big boat related bill 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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No, my investments come from things I can use daily and sell if I need to with little loss (usually gains). I know big money can be made quickly but it can also be lost quickly too. People I know who invest in shares and bitcoin etc seem to be always watching how their investments are doing where my investments are being used to get me offshore or to remote locations away from others in the 4x4's. These friends I have talk about retiring and doing the things I do now as soon as they have made enough from the investments, where I see it as I don't know the future so do those things now.

Ive been able to spend my whole life with my family exploring this country to the point they are all grown up now and continuing a similar lifestyle. So many people I know talked of taking a year off to drive around the country with their kids but never did it and now their kids like mine are grown up doing their own thing even though they could afford several years off. I also have some very wealthy friends with large investments and properties all over the world who have addmited they have not seen much of the real world even though they have traveled it well. 5 star hotels and luxury transport often misses out on so much. 

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Ive thought about stocks and shares but don't have a clue how to start. Apart from putting money into bigger boats, I'm on the course to try and build a property portfolio. I have one flat at the moment which yields a monthly 13% interest.  Plus in 24 months it's gone up 20k in value. 
Im saving for a second. 

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59 minutes ago, Saintly Fish said:

Ive thought about stocks and shares but don't have a clue how to start. Apart from bigger putting money into bigger boats, I'm on the course to try and build a property portfolio. I have one flat at the moment which yields a monthly 13% interest.  Plus in 24 months it's gone up 20k in value. 
Im saving for a second. 

Now you’re talking - bricks and mortar - roughly what area of Uk is the flat in? 

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2 hours ago, jonnyswamp said:

Anyone invest in stocks/shares/currencies etc

I opened a couple of virtual accounts last year (or maybe earlier) and just checked on them and one is up 6k odd and the other 7k odd

I have been reading about copytrading and have opened a virtual account with etoro

Have copytraded one person and invested in some others, Amazon, alibaba and airbnb being some of the others

Going to leave it a month or so and see what happens

Anyone got any 1st hand experience with this, be very interested to hear some facts rather than the usual, don't invest what you can't afford to lose etc



You can day trade shares or basically bet things go up or down in a certain time frame - it’s high risk high reward. Have a look at the IG Trading platform. 

Have a look at the Bogleheads sub Reddit they’re into investing for long haul so don’t bother if you’re not 30-40 but it’s never too late. Think they use a principle of maximum 3 pot investment low medium and higher risk. 

S&P (SPY) is making 20% returns over the last year or so, basically an amalgam of 500 top performing companies, buy shares in that for long term. There are others similar at cheaper price point. 

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I have stocks and shares that are along term investment portfolio, which is very safe and gives a half decent return considering there is very little risk, but this type of investment has to be considered as very long term, mine have been growing steadily over 30 years or more.

I also tend to play the money markets from time to time and TBH I do pretty well out of it, but you need time on your hands as you need to be sat watching a computer screen for hours.  I have 3 PC's here, so it isn't an issue.

Bitcoin has also been another good investment, and I also have a bitcoin mining PC running 24/7. To release these significant funds would incur CGT and I don't like paying tax (no, there is NOT pikey in my blood). I have decided to keep this going and the investment will go to the 4 grandchildern when I croak.

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7 hours ago, Captain Sensible said:

Now you’re talking - bricks and mortar - roughly what area of Uk is the flat in? 

I live in Southampton and the flat is in a town a few miles out side. It's only a 1 bed but cheap to buy and all electric. So no gas safety issues , just an electrical check every 5 years. 

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10 hours ago, Andy135 said:

When you say virtual accounts, do you mean they're not trading accounts, rather they mirror what you would have made had you invested real cash? Or are they online trading accounts with your money deposited in them?

Either way, to have made £6k and £7k in the space of a year sounds impressive. What % gain / how much capital invested to return those numbers?

I have a trading account with Hargreaves Lansdown that's made me about 1.5% over the last 18 months. Not great, but massively better than the measly 0.1% that my bank offers for a savings account. I stick to UK equities - partly because HL charges fees for holding funds and they don't offer FX trading, but also because it's easier to research quality companies if they're UK based. Most FTSE companies are paying dividends again now which, thanks to dividend reinvestment and compounding, makes any investment grow quicker. I use a buy and hold strategy i.e. buy high quality companies and hold them for at least 5 years.


Disclaimer: none of the above should be interpreted by anyone as investment advice. I'm not qualified and I simply state how I invest. What works for me may not work for you. Past performance is not an indicator of future performance yada, yada, you get the idea...

All virtual, IIRC the "investment" was around 20 k on each account

It may have been more, I really can't remember 

I just bought stuff willy nilly, cos it wasn't my money

Euros made a bit


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1 hour ago, Saintly Fish said:

I live in Southampton and the flat is in a town a few miles out side. It's only a 1 bed but cheap to buy and all electric. So no gas safety issues , just an electrical check every 5 years. 

so we will be seeing you on telly then,

knight mere tenets

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33 minutes ago, JonC said:

My parents  were on that program about 5 years ago. They had a tenant who was sent to prison and wouldn’t surrender the lease 

Sent to prison because he wouldn't surrender the lease, or sent down first and wouldn't surrender it whilst inside?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Stock market got the jitters due to the new Covid variant. 

oil prices also down due to the same but petrol sellers are holding firm on their prices which is frustrating…. Not that I can drive anywhere mind….. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

You can get a Research Account at Interactive Investor, it’s free. Then you can build a real portfolio with individual shares, investment trusts, funds etc, you just don’t own them. You can then see how good your stock picking is over a few months. I did this for a year before doing it for real.

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