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Wire bending/Forming

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Does anyone on here have any experience of bending wire or recommend any jigs for wire bending? 

Picture below of what I’m after making 

Im also keen to experiment with other very strong quick release clips but to do that I need to be able to form the wire…. 

Bending it around a metal dowel won’t work as is too stiff, I need a jig to help apply pressure and form a neat bend.


@suzook12 @GPSguru resident engineering experts any ideas? 

the below is called an Aussie twist @JDP do you use anything similar or make/buy your own? 🙂 


Edited by Odyssey
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3 hours ago, suzook12 said:

Hmmmmm, will give it some thought

Waste of time. Cheaper to buy from somewhere that makes thousands (probably China) than to try to make. Geoff.☺️

Edited by Geoff
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8 hours ago, Geoff said:

Waste of time. Cheaper to buy from somewhere that makes thousands (probably China) than to try to make. Geoff.☺️

Totally agree, and by the same token, it's far easier to buy fish from the supermarket or fishmongers than go fishing. Sometimes people just want to do things just because they can......

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Having made flying collar booms using welding rods in the past, I can only imagine how hard it would be to DIY those aussie twists, and to make them look good, with an even coil and eye.

Whilst it might be a fun (exasperating) project, it will be cheaper and less aggro to buy them in. Life's too short IMO.

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15 minutes ago, JonC said:

The op didn’t ask if it was worth while or economical, he asked for advice regarding the jig set up. 
It’s a bit like basket weaving I guess, it will help pass the day. 

Just saving the OP from himself Jon. 😉

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Ok hint taken folks! 

Inwas looking to make spreader bars and twist links but it maybe too much hassle…. Both are ££££ so I was looking to save a few quid…

Back to the drawing board me thinks 

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20 hours ago, Odyssey said:

Does anyone on here have any experience of bending wire or recommend any jigs for wire bending? 

Picture below of what I’m after making 

Im also keen to experiment with other very strong quick release clips but to do that I need to be able to form the wire…. 

Bending it around a metal dowel won’t work as is too stiff, I need a jig to help apply pressure and form a neat bend.


@suzook12 @GPSguru resident engineering experts any ideas? 

the below is called an Aussie twist @JDP do you use anything similar or make/buy your own? 🙂 



I have those and other similar but mostly use them on the spearfishing rigging where extra strength is needed. I don't make any wire clips as that sort of thing is far more reasonably priced for us and I don't tend to loose heavy gear. Actually I was clearing up the garage today and dumped all the booms we used to make back in the UK from my wrecking days. Pretty certain we used stainless welding rods back then and they were nowhere near as strong as the ones we buy.

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7 hours ago, JonC said:

Good point, well presented. 
Stick that in your pipe @Geoff🤣🤣🤣☹️☹️

To make that out of the correct materials with swivel would be very difficult for any person that does not have the correct jigs or machines to produce them. Welding rod material is malleable, but totally unsuitable for that fitting. I know that Andy did not suggest such rods for this fitting. Since the original post the OP has stated that he was looking to "save a few quid" (I don't blame him), and I know that the op has better ways (out on his boat fishing) to pass the day. Geoff.☺️

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The twist is hard to come by there are limited suppliers and they cost quite a bit… 


I have a supplier for the swivels, just looking if it’s possible to make the twist myself, probably not!

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