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Quiet in here….


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Anyone been out? 

my season is now done until spring 😞 Boat be out the water in new year to start the next round of maintenance, repairs and new toys to add. Hopefully back at early April for the pollack 🙂 

Powerboat instruction this weekend so still on the water but this time I’m on someone else’s RIB so I’m praying that the weather holds as I won’t have a warm cabin to hide in 🤣

1 hour ago, JonC said:

It’s pretty easy to workout why the small boat crossings in the channel are down by a supposed 30%

I know the answer to that one, they forgot their rods so had to go back and get them.  They'll be back later


Been busy doing maintenance on mine and the boats my daughter skippers, as well as doing a bit of commercial abalone dive boat skippering.

The rod and line fishing has been excellent over the past few months, if anything to good which has made me a bit bored with it. Trying to get motivated to turn my sights on the marlin season now but I just feel I’ve been there and done that to much.  

I took my youngest daughter and her partner out who managed 3 marlin species in a day. He also manged to catch and release over 40 coral trout to 80cm in one session from my boat on my annual northern trip. The tropical fishing was simply incredible thanks to being able to download satellite images into my GPS showing every detail of shallow coral reef systems. Northern bluefin tuna were in schools which could almost be guaranteed in sight from any location we fished, which also had various large trevally species following under. 

The beaches are currently thick with Aus salmon in the 3-6kg size with packs of whaler sharks getting among them. I am planning chasing a few mako solo but again feel a bit lacking in enthusiasm, however I will fill the boat with fuel this morning so I can at least head out to try and grab a few lobsters for Xmas dinner.

Oh yes, it’s been bloody hot here too, 37’c when polishing one of the boats ( three in total ).


There are several large schools of salmon in this shot, the salmon which are off the right of the screen had some decent sized sharks I estimate in the 150kg + size.  I had to use my wife’s polarised glasses over the front of my phone camera to help see these salmon. Aus salmon are not related to normal salmon, these are a far more powerful tough fighting fish. The fact they are more powerful makes their flesh strong and meaty to eat and less desirable.




Back to the question, it's either been too rough for the kayak or I've been busy along with my friends changing boats, so I've been on the shore feeding crabs with nothing worthy of note. I expected the crabs to have slowed or moved off but I think the big storm provided a lot of feeding so they are making the most of it before it gets properly cold. 

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