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18 minutes ago, JDP said:

What will you do with them when you get them running. Does anyone still use those old two strokes ?

Yes mate, people still use them, and still better value than the chinese cr*p on the market. Obviously they are not worth what they were 20 years ago, but still have value.

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1 hour ago, suzook12 said:

Yes mate, people still use them, and still better value than the chinese cr*p on the market. Obviously they are not worth what they were 20 years ago, but still have value.

i agre on that, as long as you can get parts its fine. i dont have a cuple of grand to by a nealy new out board.

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7 minutes ago, JonC said:

That’s all good if you have the skills and knowledge to make them like zook otherwise it’s chucking good money after bad as we’ve seen with a lot of people in the not so recent past. 
I know a lot of people really like the 2smokes as the power to weight ratio is better than the 4s 

that is why it is good to be on this site, there is a lote of help availerboul

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thinking about what you said jon. 

if you cannot change a spark plug or a feuse then take some one eals with you who can

all of my knolage comes from outher peopple (like you,suzuki,neal and outhers. 

by joining clubs you can get help for free and learn from outhers.

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3 hours ago, JonC said:

@Saintly Fish

If you watch the video at 5 minutes 37 seconds look in the top left corner of the screen and you can see a box of power handles on the workbench. I recon that your one must be in there ready to post out 🤣🤣🤣

They got about as much chance of being made and sent as @Geoff s boat has of being launched!!

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On 2/12/2024 at 2:53 PM, JonC said:

Last time I tested a spark plug on an outboard it spat a load of sticky petrol out like napalm all over me. It did have a spark and I blew myself up🤣🤣

That shouldn't be funny, but I had a little chuckle to myself when I read it 😁


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On 2/12/2024 at 6:33 PM, Saintly Fish said:

They got about as much chance of being made and sent as @Geoff s boat has of being launched!!

Did you not get yours? I sent it to the address Jon gave me. Must admit, thought it odd it was an Essex address......

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On 2/12/2024 at 2:35 PM, JonC said:

That’s all good if you have the skills and knowledge to make them like zook otherwise it’s chucking good money after bad as we’ve seen with a lot of people in the not so recent past. 
I know a lot of people really like the 2smokes as the power to weight ratio is better than the 4s 

A lot of the old stuff will run til its just too worn out to run any more at which point its replace time. Other stuff can be considerably cheaper to fix than an injected 4 stroke. Not everyone gets enough use out of their boats to offset the costs of a new 4 stroke over a less economical 2 stroke. These are more likely to get used on small river craft than heading out to sea. The 7.5HP could make a useful aux engine though as pretty light. The 4hp motors will sell as that is the lower bracket of river licensing, 5HP and up costs considerably more.....

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On 2/12/2024 at 2:53 PM, JonC said:

Last time I tested a spark plug on an outboard it spat a load of sticky petrol out like napalm all over me. It did have a spark and I blew myself up🤣🤣

I did hear about that. They were most disappointed you managed to put the flames out 🤣

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