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RIP Captain Tom Moore

Saintly Fish

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6 minutes ago, JonC said:

Well it would obviously need to be someone of from the more senior age group. Hmm nobody springs to mind . 
Is Kirk Douglas still going ? Or Richard Harris maybe. Though we may want to keep the budget down a bit. 

Hhmmnnnn who do we know who could fill that role ? 🤔

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I realized where the blazer comment might be going Jon. No AmDrams. I love G&S, but could never fill Captain Tom's shoes. Captain Tom was a real gentleman and will be sorely missed by millions of people who had never heard of him prior to his efforts to do something to help the NHS during the covid crisis. It is very sad that covid will go down on his DC. I am of the opinion that he died with covid rather than from it. Captain Tom will be remembered for years to come and deservedly so. Geoff. 

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