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Any Outlaws suffer from it? Or got any good methods to cure it?

I've been very lucky and never been sick. If I ever feel a bit queasy it's usually because I've had my head down rummaging in my tackle box or focusing on tying a knot. I look up to the horizon as soon as I feel it and that usually cures it.

I remember one time on a charter in Cornwall we were steaming back from a wreck in a lumpy following sea and I kept on getting lungfuls of diesel fumes. That didn't help much either. 🤮

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16 minutes ago, Andy135 said:

I've had my head down rummaging in my tackle box

💦 well there’s the problem. 
Now as I believe the answer is ginger. 
And by that I don’t mean @Andy135
Ginger is supposed to suppress nausea. Always carry some ginger biscuits and munch on them now and again. 

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only time I felt queezy was at anchor on a yacht for lunch - the problem was i was looking down at my plate and eating - but i caught it in time and never had it since. it could of course just have been a dodgy pork pie..... or too much sunshine.

I carry extra strong mints as i think they help, but i've heard stick to the middle of the boat and focus on the horizon, lying down not a good idea. 

other tips include 

drink orange juice & lemonade - it tastes the same both ways - and hold onto your teeth - my granny lost hers in the Irish sea on a ferry crossing!

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I think it comes with practice. 

If you keep busy and catch plenty you won’t get sea sick 😉 

I’ve heard that Quells are good as a seasickness tablet but I’ve not needed them so can’t vouch for their effectiveness 

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9 hours ago, Andy135 said:

I look up to the horizon as soon as I feel it and that usually cures it.

You have answered your own question.

When I was in Oz once I had a super inner ear infection that had me vomiting for 24 hours and I couldn't stand up without falling over for nearly a week.

The consultant ant Brisbane hospital went to great lengths to explain to me what was happening, and hew likened it to seasickness.

Apparently, if the signal from your eyes, differs to the signal from your inner ear, then your body thinks you are ill and takes the appropriate action, which is how seasickness works.

So ....... if you look to the horizon and keep part of the boat cabin in your view, then the movement of the inner ear and the movement of the eyes matches, and your body will go back to normal pretty quickly.

BTW: I have never suffered sea sickness, and I have been on some extremely rough ferry crossings over the years.


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I occasionally suffer it, usually on a particularly rough day and with my head down tackling up. Not suffered it on my own boat yet but have on other people's. 

Kwells do the business for me,  found Stugeron pretty useless. 

Absolutely hate it, properly ruins the day if it doesn't get nipped in the bud. 

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