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Saintly Fish

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That’s it folks we have reached the magical number of 1000 threads since we went public with the Offshore Outlaws. Thanks very much indeed to all of you!! 
And they said we would never last. 
@Tony smithis the winner of our spot prize. Congratulations ! 

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Well done @Tony smith!

Careful the prize isn't something like... a lump of coal... or a handful of dead peelers!!





PS: I actually have no idea what the prize is but knowing @Saintly Fish if it sounds too good to be true... it probably is! 😱

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3 minutes ago, JonC said:

It’s quite something that we have had this many threads, when I look at other bigger commercially driven sites they have nowhere near the traffic we do in the boat fishing sections.

Yep, and some of them are quite useful too! 

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I think the difference between this site and other sites is fact and fiction.  Most other sites rely on facts where as you can post any old tosh here and it all counts lol.  Seriously the real difference is banter, it lightens the site and makes visiting a more pleasurable experience.  The founders should be rightly proud of their first thread landmark. 

Edited by Maverick
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Hi lads 

Thanks very much to Offshore Outlaws 

I love this site reading all the threads on boat fishing and putting my own reports in. 
It’s nearly as good as going fishing 🥴

Thanks for the spot prize what ever it is will be appreciated. With how cold the mornings have been a piece of coal will do fine 😂

thanks again 

one happy fisherman 👍


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3 minutes ago, Tony smith said:

With how cold the mornings have been a piece of coal will do fine 😂


Careful what you wish for 🤣

In all seriousness, Neil has some goodies for you so I'll let him do the reveal but I will say thanks to you Tony, and to all the members who've helped to make this site what it is. The site is nothing without anglers willing to contribute, share knowledge and have a bit of banter, so thank you all. Here's to the next 1000 posts and beyond 👍

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13 minutes ago, Maverick said:

Its the Chino factor you know

I know. I had never heard of Chinos (lead a very sheltered life) and  asked my wife what they were. 10 days later I was presented with a nice pale grey pair of M&S Chinos. I must say that to me they just look like a pair of trousers. Geoff.☺️

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2 hours ago, Geoff said:

I know. I had never heard of Chinos (lead a very sheltered life) and  asked my wife what they were. 10 days later I was presented with a nice pale grey pair of M&S Chinos. I must say that to me they just look like a pair of trousers. Geoff.☺️

The M&S Chino's are quite expensive unless you are a real skinny git. Matalan and Tescos F&F have a better selection.

I have worn Chino's and Cargos for years .................

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4 minutes ago, Maverick said:

Don't forget Next, there prices are very reasonable and for me they fit well.  M & S are generally made from heavier materials so in the warmer months (or should that be month) they are to warm for me

To, two, too.

#justsaying 😉

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12 minutes ago, Maverick said:

Don't forget Next, there prices are very reasonable and for me they fit well.  M & S are generally made from heavier materials so in the warmer months (or should that be month) they are to warm for me

Never mind the tutu saga - wrong there (their). Sorry! Geoff.:classic_wink::classic_wink::classic_wink:

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Hi Saintly Fish

I have received my package today and was thrilled to bits with what was inside. 
Thanks very much. 
I will be going fishing tomorrow night so the hat will come in handy. 
I will get a picture over the weekend with all that was inside for you all to see. 
tight lines to all of you over the weekend 

Thanks  again 👍

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5 minutes ago, Tony smith said:

Hi Saintly Fish

I have received my package today and was thrilled to bits with what was inside. 
Thanks very much. 
I will be going fishing tomorrow night so the hat will come in handy. 
I will get a picture over the weekend with all that was inside for you all to see. 
tight lines to all of you over the weekend 

Thanks  again 👍

Your welcome Tony. Hopefully you catch some fish! 

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