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Horseshoe rocks Sat 19th


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I have the fun job of renewing all mine later this year. 

I’d rather replace before they fail. 

sounds like an “interesting” trip…. Reminds me of a day coming back in from Celtic Deeps…. 3m swell on your bum, howling Easterly in your face… crew laid down on cabin floor and said “wake me up when we get in or if I’m about to die” 

Its amazing what your boat can take :S

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4 hours ago, Andy135 said:

Just reflecting on your experience a bit more and when I think about all the implications of what happened I'm amazed that you made it back in one piece. 😱

Definitely a wake up call for us all.

Agreed, I played it down when we got back in

Could quite easily have been different 

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3 hours ago, JonC said:

Well worth us all  checking our pumps, I personally know that my smaller switched bilge pump works but I haven’t checked my big auto one for ages. 

The entire bilge is having a wet vac Friday, to get out any crud that's down there

The filter was clear, the pick up got blocked with paper/wrappers off feathers

I'm.out tomorrow, but not venturing too far and won't be taking any over the bow !

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5 hours ago, Dicky said:

Should’ve pulled into Watchet or Porlock and spent the evening in the pub .

mate of mine fished horseshoe rocks a few weeks ago and had 10 bass. If it’s the same one down by watermouth 

It did cross my mind, but forecast was worse the next day

Yes, same mark, 4/5 miles off Ilfracombe 

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16 hours ago, jonnyswamp said:

Wind was worsening by the minute and making things very lumpy, so at 12.15 I called time and we turned for home

Fuck me, 3m swells are not nice to go through, 4/5knts max and getting beat up to boot

Climbed over one, only to go straight through the next like a sub


That is  RIB weather ! I guess you were having issues climbing one wave and then surfing into the next and trying not to stuff the bow, throttle control is key !

Well done on the Pollock. At least you have a nice clean engine bilge with all that water sloshing around and cleaning it !



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23 hours ago, GPSguru said:


That is  RIB weather ! I guess you were having issues climbing one wave and then surfing into the next and trying not to stuff the bow, throttle control is key !

Well done on the Pollock. At least you have a nice clean engine bilge with all that water sloshing around and cleaning it !



Could well be my inexperience in those sort of conditions that made things worse, was on the throttle constantly trying to smooth things out

Wave height, time between waves and direction were random, with no regular pattern to anticipate, so just took it as it came and did what I could

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