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Is a dry stack safe in high winds.

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How many boats get blown off a dry stack in high winds. As we have 65-70 mph forecast for tonight, would you want YOUR pride and joy 30ft up in the air?? 
Don’t think I would. The Americans seem to think a trailer and tow away is best.. 



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4 minutes ago, Andy135 said:

Dunno, but I guess we'll find out shortly won't we! Good job I'm happy to be the Offshore Outlaws guinea-pig eh? The things I do for you lot! You can all thank me later.

Or tell you we warned you!! 

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Just now, ever optimistic said:

the dry stack people should lift the top row down onto cradles if the wind is from a dangerous direction, my boat is in the stack with dale sailing in neyland pembs, and thats what they did .

This is a good suggestion. @Scotch_Egg2012's boat is on the top row of the same rack as mine in our marina. Scott, do you know if the dry stack team move the top boats off? Guessing they probably don't have enough ground racks for all the boats on both top rows though.

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1 minute ago, Andy135 said:

This is a good suggestion. @Scotch_Egg2012's boat is on the top row of the same rack as mine in our marina. Scott, do you know if the dry stack team move the top boats off? Guessing they probably don't have enough ground racks for all the boats on both top rows though.

it's only happened once but they made new cradles to take the boats that could not be put lower in the rack

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7 minutes ago, ever optimistic said:

it's only happened once but they made new cradles to take the boats that could not be put lower in the rack

How high were the winds in that case? Curious to know at what windspeed the dry stack pros start getting twitchy.

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9 minutes ago, ever optimistic said:

sorry but i can't remember , it was a few years ago, is the forecast wind direction bad for the racking . 

No, should be ok. By the time Storm Evert makes it to Portsmouth the wind speeds are forecast to have dropped to a relatively reasonable 45mph SW'erly, which should be fine, even though it would be blowing broadside to the racks.

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6 minutes ago, JonC said:

So do you think it’s worth Andy nipping down and putting a few straps over his boat, and maybe some bubble wrap to protect it from flying Dijon 14s? 

At least a call to the yard and ask them to lower his. Just laying on the hard would be better. 

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8 hours ago, Andy135 said:

This is a good suggestion. @Scotch_Egg2012's boat is on the top row of the same rack as mine in our marina. Scott, do you know if the dry stack team move the top boats off? Guessing they probably don't have enough ground racks for all the boats on both top rows though.

As far as I am aware they don't bring the boats down,  mine stayed up on the top rack in the SW F10 we had earlier this year.   

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Just now, ever optimistic said:

i trust all was well in the end.

Well, I haven't had an apologetic call from the dry stack team, so I can only assume she's still safe and sound...



....either that or they're still busy calling everyone else on the rack and they haven't got down to my name yet! 😱🤣

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@Andy135, there are a couple of proper members on here that are behaving like they are both embedded in scunthorpe, 

Their actions are causing unnecessary alarm and distress to dry stack users, which in turn also causes unwanted stress in these difficult times.

Both of these individuals should know better and I hope they are deeply ashamed of their actions,

Having said the above, I think that in storm conditions a boat on a dry stack is probably the safer alternative, as having a boat on a pontoon continually being bounced into the pontoon by the action on the wind and at risk of broken chaffed ropes and maybe collision from a another boat that maybe broke its mooring, is probably a vastly greater worry,

I think this pair of errants, owe you a profound apology.






Edited by GPSguru
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