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Hi everyone, glad to be joining the group

alan stevens

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Hi folks, my name is Alan and I live in north Essex. I have fished the Essex rivers and coastline all my life. As a kid, my dad had a boat at Wallasey Island so every weekend it was the Crouch that entertained us. Now my job takes me all over the world and I try to fish wherever I go. Covid has of course prevented me from travelling this year so I have fallen in love again with the essex beaches. I write a blog each week which is posted on a Sunday at www.essexanglers.co.uk

The fishing has been awesome to be fair but I would like to get out on boats again. If anyone needs a deckhand or someone to share the costs of a trip do please let me know


Cheers for now

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Hi Alan,

Welcome to the forum. We have a couple of Essex-based boat anglers on here, so I'm sure they'll be in touch when they're short-handed. 

I've just taken a look at your blog - very nice! Three cheers for the humble whiting, and let's not forget the dogfish either - the blanker's best friend 😉

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1 minute ago, JonC said:

Hi Alan, welcome on board.Please put a link up to your blog for the whole class to see. 
I spoke to you on halfpenny pier a few weeks ago. 

He already has Jon - it's in his original post!


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1 minute ago, JonC said:

I meant put it in full view you arse!

besides I edited it within 10 second, are you stalking me again? Remember what the judge said!

So why not say that then if that's what you meant? 🤣

Stalking you? No... just keeping an eye on you like a jealous girlfriend now that you've shacked up with Tadpole... :classic_ninja:

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Well, that's Alan's Intro post well and truly side-tracked! 🤣

@alan stevens, apologies for taking your thread off topic. That seems to happen a lot on here. Normal service to be resumed 👍

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Welcome to the site Alan. You may already have realised that there are a couple of real fools on here. But, don’t worry, the rest of us sensible ones will keep you safe from harm. 
Enjoy the forum and please muck in with whatever you feel like that’s boat or fish related. 

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2 minutes ago, Andy135 said:

Well, that's Alan's Intro post well and truly side-tracked! 🤣

@alan stevens, apologies for taking your thread off topic. That seems to happen a lot on here. Normal service to be resumed 👍

i thought that was normal on here,🤣  🤣

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5 minutes ago, iowspence said:

They can ban me @JonC but then they won’t then be travelling down to the promised lands with me if they do.... 🎣🦈🤣🤣🤣

@iowspence, Jon was talking about himself. You do know he has the power don’t you? 

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6 minutes ago, iowspence said:

I think the invite was revoked because he was worried you would wipe the floor with him @JonC that’s why he took @Saintly Fishbecause he wouldn’t feel pressured.... 🤣

He took me because I always get him on the fish when he’s on my boat. I think he wanted me to drive his boat and find him some numbers to pinch really. 


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Hi everyone, thanks for making me feel welcome. Really appreciate it. Sorry for the slow responses as didn't check the site all week not expecting much banter. How wrong I clearly was! Bring it one guys haha

had a fantastic day fishing yesterday on the Blackwater. Using slider rigs pulled in a 3 1/2lb codling (small for you boat guys but tidy for the essex beaches) along with 6lb thornback, five small sole and a couple of gurnard. Strangely not a single whiting? Will blog about if today from 6pm on essexanglers.co.uk  Both the cod and flounders were caught well off the bottom on whole bluey so I reckon the fish are feeding on the river herring. More later chaps  - for now have a great day

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33 minutes ago, alan stevens said:

posted in the catch reports Andy. Does it show there mate?


Spot on Alan. Good work. As an FYI I've deleted your post in the Boat catch reports as we already have your report in the Shore section 👍

Well done again. An impressive session using a new technique 🎣

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