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Covid Vac Side Effects


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Getting the jab on Friday evening. Keep hearing about side affects from people who have had it. 

I’m still going ahead whatever (family birthday do Saturday so no fishing anyway) 

Just keen to hear everyone else’s experiences

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I felt shit for 2 days, aching arm (although never felt the jab) shivers sweats and no energy.  Really looking forward to the 2nd one :classic_rolleyes:

Small price to pay for becoming invincible (I know we won't be) 

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Joyce and I both had our 2nd AZ jab on Sunday, and as with the first ones we no side effects whatsoever - I do hope that we did not get a placebo jab! and that it was just the fantastic performance of the Lincolnshire health service! Geoff. ☺️

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I had the AZ one a few weeks ago, felt a bit tired after work for a day or two and had a mild ache where I got jabbed, but not til 2 days later

Mrs Swamp was fine the following day, but said she felt like she'd been run over on the second day and spent most of it in bed

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8 hours ago, Odyssey said:

Getting the jab on Friday evening. Keep hearing about side affects from people who have had it. 

I’m still going ahead whatever (family birthday do Saturday so no fishing anyway) 

Just keen to hear everyone else’s experiences

No AZ side effects whatever for both the wife and I ............. I am going in for my 2nd dose on Sunday.

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Exactly 12 hours after the first jab I was burning up for 3 hours, then for another 3 hours I was shivering uncontrollably. I was then just achy and weak for 4 days and now I'm right as rain.

I would advise anyone to get the morning appointment so you don't feel shit through the night

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I have had both my jabs (Phizer) and felt fine both times,a friend of my had his first AZ jab a couple of weeks ago and felt rough for about 48 hours with flu like symptoms,but as he said better to put up with that,than a trip to the hospital with covid.


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I did make a post here a couple of days ago, but it seems to have disappeared. Joyce and I had our 2nd. AZ jabs last Sunday, and happily as with the 1st jabs we did not have any noticeable symptoms. I do hope that we had the jabs and were not involved in a trial and given a placebo!!! Geoff.☺️

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20 hours ago, Geoff said:

Joyce and I both had our 2nd AZ jab on Sunday, and as with the first ones we no side effects whatsoever - I do hope that we did not get a placebo jab! and that it was just the fantastic performance of the Lincolnshire health service! Geoff. ☺️


Just now, Geoff said:

I did make a post here a couple of days ago, but it seems to have disappeared. Joyce and I had our 2nd. AZ jabs last Sunday, and happily as with the 1st jabs we did not have any noticeable symptoms. I do hope that we had the jabs and were not involved in a trial and given a placebo!!! Geoff.☺️

Geoff... there's no easy way to break this to you so I'll just go ahead and say it...


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Just now, Geoff said:

Andy, I know that you will not believe this, but it was NOT there last night, but other subsequent posts were. Geoff. NOT an age thing this time!!! Geoff.☺️

Geoff, you're right. I DON'T believe it 🤣👍

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2 minutes ago, Maverick said:

So did I 

 I read your post again after I posted last night . I could not find my post and was going to re post last night, but decided to go to bed. I think this computer has some Gremlins, but not on this side of the keyboard - anyway I give up - a very confused! Geoff. ☺️

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