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Recommend an uptide rod.

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I'm currently using a pair of Penn Squadron 2's they are rated upto 10oz,  they are quite a cheap rod got them to see if I'd get on with uptiding.  I've heard good things about the new kenzaki uptiders but I'm no fan of kenzaki because of their rings, seen to many liners come out and break. 

When I upgrade to a better pair of rods they'll likely be a pair of Daiwa Tournaments,  I can't source Greys ones anywhere and Century don't do them much to my annoyance

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Kenzaki or Greus are nice rods. 

Im old schill. TDU410 best ever made 🙂 I’ve also got a Twin Power 4-10. 

Suverean are lovely. 10oz is quite heavy mind…. That’s a lot of lead…. 

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Keep an eye out on evilbay for an Abu suveran pro 4-10. the latest Suveran i think is 5-10 but haven't used one so can't comment. The beauty of the suveran and the Greys is the retractable butt which on boats makes them easier to use imo.

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1 hour ago, Saintly Fish said:

You mean the Team Diawa Amorphous Whisker TDU410 9ft6in ? 
Ive just bought one of these on eBay, I saw it and just couldn't resist. It's brand new unused too!! 👍🏻

Best uptide rod ever made….

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ive a few old  Diawa  T D U  4 to 10  oz Amorphus  whisker   uptide rods   matched with  Abu 9000 C reels   or    Calcutta   700     Landed   tope to 73lbs  with  them in the  past   awesome rods   use them the last time we went fishing   Landing  cod  to 5 Lbs  and more throw  backs  than you  could  count267140638_4583800631656792_6667147977830343367_n.jpg?_nc_cat=103&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=b9115d&_nc_ohc=_7JuH_nikzwAX97pyKw&tn=OUbW2MjpNt9LOgxj&_nc_ht=scontent.flba3-1.fna&oh=00_AT-Dj7HSCnLBEo9OvRQx6SDd1jXD1uhy_WID18_HsLP3Cw&oe=61D169AE

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It turned up today in brand new never been used condition. 
The original Daiwa cloth bag smells like an ashtray though, so I'd guess it's been stood in the corner of a room somewhere lost and neglected. 




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So, now I've got the rod sorted, read the "Bob Cox" book, I need help with the reel. 
Ive never really done casting with a multi, so what does the little numbered dial on the side do? 
If I'm casting, do I have it set higher or lower?? 

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Pretty much what jonc says, apart from the last bit

Start with very small lobs, keeping your thumb brushing against the spool and gradually go a bit further each time until you're comfortable with the distance

30/40/yds is plenty

If you're using a levelwind, over run shouldn't be much of an issue

I use a pair of slosh 30's and I've got to know the fuzzing sound a split second before the kinky affro shows up and put a small amount of pressure (next to nothing really) on the spool to stop it

Would rather have a shorter cast, than a bird/snap off

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9 minutes ago, JonC said:

Ok so your not going to move the boat, but start casting small. As swampy said after a while you will learn by the sound of your reel when to put the thumb on, then build from there with range. 

Ok I get it, but what is the dial for? Is that the break strength? And does lower number mean more breaks?

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1 hour ago, JonC said:

OR just get Leo to cast it out for you. 

OR do wot I do, just fish downtide and trott the bait well downtide of the boat, that works especially if there are other rods on the boat as the fish find the trotted bait first when looking for the scent source.

An even better option is not to fish bait at all, just use slow jigs and plastics 👍

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8 hours ago, GPSguru said:

OR do wot I do, just fish downtide and trott the bait well downtide of the boat

This is my normal practise. However in order to search a larger area and potentially catch more fish, I want to get to grips with other styles. Uptiding being one, and then balloon fishing another (biodegradable balloons btw). 

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