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Anyone else gagging for a dangle?


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My boats on the hard so no chance of getting out fishing I just wish the weather would allow be to do some of the work on the boat.

Gonna give it a go tomorrow and before anyone says anything I can walk to my boat however, I won't walk I'll  be in the car :classic_tongue:

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42 minutes ago, Andy135 said:

Surely it's not just me??

No, not just you. I really feel the need for a SPJ wrecking session.

The weather has been shite and there have only been one or two doable days since mid December. Even on some of the nicer days, the sea has been quite snotty, and I check the sea state twice a day, every day

Just waiting to get my eyes fixed, and I will be out there on the next weather permitting day, however, my mate has offered to take me out wrecking if the eyes don't allow me to drive etc.

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10 hours ago, GPSguru said:


Just waiting to get my eyes fixed, and I will be out there on the next weather permitting day, however, my mate has offered to take me out wrecking if the eyes don't allow me to drive etc.

Getting very close now GPS. Good luck. Geoff.☺️

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I think the shit weather on top of not being able to get out has made it worse for everyone, least the summer lockdown we could get out coarse fishing. I think the ice has only just gone from our local lakes..... And the dark, makes it extra doom n gloom....

Now it's warming up, should be able to get on with the boat again, it's nearly ready for some glassing work, but has just been so frickin cold down there. Got my van over the pit getting welded etc for MOT then can crack on and get the sanding finished and start making X bearers....

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3 hours ago, Scotch_Egg2012 said:

Not me just yet,  usually don't bother this time of year.  Time for boat service and there is not much worth me bothering with. Plaice aren't about in good numbers. 

Middle of March onwards is when I will start to look to get out again just in time for the Bream

I know what you mean about species being thin on the ground just now but I can catch dogfish all year round... 🐶🎣🤣

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6 minutes ago, Cuda4 said:

I'm hoping the boat will be back in the water this Friday after it's usual service and anti-foul,I have heard that there has been the odd Plaice caught, just need the weather to play along with my plans.


I've heard the same Steve. Was forwarded a couple of photos of decent-sized plaice from a couple of boats over the weekend. Fingers crossed we can get out there safely soon.

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Nice cod in the Bristol Channel at the moment....

Im sure there are mackerel and herring in the haven too.... also some lumpy conger...

Just wish could get out there!

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It would have been a good day out there today with light winds and 0.5m swell @13.4secs, however, I stayed at home today (apart from the school run) as my eyesight is not brilliant (roll on 2 weeks time) and the sea clarity is still very poor after the Easterlies that have just gone through.

This morning I finished putting in the last of the 27 footings for the decking and this afternoon I took the cover off the boat as the weather was really sunny.

So, every thing is all now checked over, I ran the engine for 5 mins (or so, to bring it up to temp) to put some fresh fuel through the EFI and I also adjusted the throttle friction, as last time i was out I had a tiny bit of throttle creep. I like to set the friction at a point where it just holds, which does mean I have to adjust it a couple of times a year.

We should start to head into some better weather now, so fingers crossed.




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So it looks like 29th March is when we'll be allowed to travel out of our local areas, so that means I'll be allowed back to the boat. Good that we've got a date to work towards but... it's still 5 weeks away 😬😭

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8 minutes ago, Andy135 said:

So it looks like 29th March is when we'll be allowed to travel out of our local areas, so that means I'll be allowed back to the boat. Good that we've got a date to work towards but... it's still 5 weeks away 😬😭

If it’s any consolation my boat will be back in the water a week this Friday. So I will get out there and report back on what your not missing!! 👍🏻

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14 minutes ago, Saintly Fish said:

If it’s any consolation my boat will be back in the water a week this Friday. So I will get out there and report back on what your not missing!! 👍🏻

That's a huge consolation actually. Always fun to see you blank 👍

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4 hours ago, Saintly Fish said:

If it’s any consolation my boat will be back in the water a week this Friday. So I will get out there and report back on what your not missing!! 👍🏻

do you nead crew ?????? seeing andy canot get there

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I was hoping to have moved house in lockdown so that when restrictions lift I’d of done enough DIY to keep Emma happy until the weather was bad so that I could fish..... 

However it’s taking a while.... she’ll have to put up with half finished bedroom conversion if weather good 🤣🤣

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56 minutes ago, Odyssey said:

I was hoping to have moved house in lockdown so that when restrictions lift I’d of done enough DIY to keep Emma happy until the weather was bad so that I could fish..... 

However it’s taking a while.... she’ll have to put up with half finished bedroom conversion if weather good 🤣🤣

Put yer foot down mate! 💪🏻

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